Friday, September 6, 2019

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If there is too much water, reduce the watering and move to a sunny place. If it is caused by excessive fertilization, fertilize properly. Before fertilization, check whether the fertilizer is suitable for the growth of tiger plum(propagation tray). Need enough patience, waiting to wait, after the sprouting, you need careful care until you grow up. But hydroponics is one of the easier ways to breed. Convenient and simple, one basin becomes two basins. You can also directly hydroponic, now let me introduce the method.

At present, the soft plug trays after sowing are manually transported to the greenhouse for seedling, and the trays are stacked together during transportation, and the deformation of the trays during the placement also causes the matrix soil and seeds to be squeezed in the trays. Shift, affecting the quality of seedlings. It is of great significance to develop a practical and reliable post-sowing tray placement device to improve the quality of vegetable seedlings and reduce labor intensity.

The tray seedling seedling bed should choose a land with a high terrain, shelter from the wind and a convenient irrigation and drainage field. 10-15 days before planting, build a nursery greenhouse, do a nursery raft, cover the shed to increase the temperature, and prepare two sheds and straw curtains(wholesale nursery pots). According to the specifications of the nursery shed, the bed base is kept in the nursery shed. Generally, the raft is 1.8 meters wide, and the mulch is flattened and then covered with a mulch. The area of ​​the acreage of tomato needs about 20 square meters.

Because the varieties are different, the flowering has morning and evening, so this batch of seedlings, some varieties with flower buds, and some varieties of flower buds have not yet appeared, with the decrease of temperature, the flower buds will gradually emerge. If you want to bring flowers, because the flowering period is inconsistent, you may have to wait for 1 month to ensure most of the flowers. The flowers are mainly white, and the imported small chrysanthemum is divided into two categories: ordinary small chrysanthemum and millet chrysanthemum. Ordinary imported small chrysanthemum, the flowers are larger, 5 to 8 cm in diameter, while the magenta flowers are small, larger than the one-dollar coin.

The celery seeds are small, the 1000-grain weight is only 0.3-0.4g, the young buds have weak top soil ability, the leather is kind, and contains volatile oil which inhibits germination. The water permeability is poor, and the germination is very slow and irregular(plastic grow pots). In combination with the application of the flat sputum technology, the seeds are coated and priming, the surface is smoother and more uniform, and the germination is relatively neat, the emergence size is uniform, and the disease resistance and stress resistance of the seedlings are enhanced.

There are basically no pests and diseases in the seedling period, and there is no need to carry out pest management. However, proper management of topdressing should be carried out. After the seedlings grow to an average of 6-10 cm, that is, 2-3 months, they can be transplanted, and the seedlings are ventilated before transplanting. After the end of the seedlings, the water is moderately watered, 4-5 times a year, combined with watering 15 kg of phosphate fertilizer per acre, 10 kg of urea, timely cultivating alfalfa.

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